Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Nation s Culture Of The Heart And The Soul Of Its People

Introduction of Hypothesis: â€Å"A nation’s culture resides in the heart and in the soul of its people.† This still stands true even in modern-day society, where things are rapdily changing, and starkly different from the past. However, in today’s world, the increased awareness of foreign culture as a result of globalisation causes the loss of local culture in terms of support given to local artistes. In this context, what exactly is local, and what is our own local flavour? Looking at xinyao, there might be a hint of local flavour in it. ‘Xin’ which comes from Singapore in Chinese, and ‘yao’ which comes from song in Chinese, literally translates to Singapore songs, and can be said to be a cultural legacy and a valued heritage. They are songs written about Singapore by Singaporeans. They are songs that are close to everyone’s hearts in Singapore, and songs that are ‘very Singapore ’. This is what is meant by local flavour – songs that represent Singapore and songs that everyone can relate to. Whereas, culture would be the social behaviour of the country’s citizens and globalisation would be the interaction and integration of those from different nations. Effect of Globalisation and Significance of Issue: A feature of current era globalisation is its unparalleled acceleration and intensification in the global flow of capital, labour and information. The impact of such is that across the globe, homogenous, and international cultures are easily transmitted. Across citiesShow MoreRelatedMission : A Holistic Gospel Of The Kingdom Of God1439 Words   |  6 Pagesall nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. 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