Thursday, May 14, 2020

Society Divided By Sexual Education Program Essay

In Panama, just last year, more than ten thousand teenagers became pregnant, leading to high rates of school dropouts and increasing poverty in certain areas of the country. In her article â€Å"Society Divided by Sexual Education Program,† journalist Rosalia Simmons exposes the different perspectives the Panamanian society has regarding the law 61, which consists of the implementation of a sexual education subject in the curriculum of all the schools in Panama, whose main target is students from age 5 to 18 (Simmons). Thousands of people protested all throughout the country; the civil society was enraged at the prospect of the approval of law 61, which according to sociologist Dr. Olmedo Garcia, sought to decrease the rate of teenage pregnancies, STDs, and to defend a somewhat progressive look on polemic matters as gender identity and gender roles (Garcia). However, adolescent pregnancies and STDs have become a major social issue, since the figures increase every year. In order to help the country, UNFPA (the United Nations Fund for Population Activities) asked Panama to start imparting courses on sexual education through the different school levels. Since the UNFPA suggested this be done, it would be wise to wonder whether this new sex education program has also been implemented in other countries. If so, has it really helped improve teen pregnancies and STDs rates? Dr. Garcia affirms that sex education is indeed crucial for the improvement of the problems of STDs and unwantedShow MoreRelatedHow Far Should Schools Teach Sex Education978 Words   |  4 PagesHow Far Should Schools Teach Sex Education The condoms display in the Hidden Heroes: the Genius of Everyday Things exhibit is a showcase that would cause an individual to wonder about adolescents’ overall knowledge of human sexuality. In today’s society, children are susceptible to learning about such a delicate topic not only from their families and peers, but through the media as well. 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