Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Product Packaging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Product Packaging - Essay ExampleThe junto of paper and plastic to pack jump on crackpot convulse is relatively desirable, economical and convenient. The types of ice cream mean to market are creams, cones and bars. The ice cream categories include frozen yogurt, dessert toppings, ice cream and novelties. Similarly, the sizes of the ice cream are 3.5 oz for creams, 5.0 oz for ice cream bars and 4.5 oz for ice cream cones. These furtherance materials can adjust to any size and shape (Albert 16). In addition, it is essential to ensure that the packaging criteria favor all fate size options such as retail, pints, scrounds, family and single consumers. According to the laws and regulations governing labeling in France, the labels on the food products must(prenominal) be visible, easy to understand, not edible and easy to see.Furthermore, the list of ingredients must be shown, the original dwelling of the product and the storage condition. Similarly, the expiry date must be clearl y indicated, and the percentage content of alcoholic drink in the ice cream should be included. Ice cream with alcoholic content should indicate a warning (Castellani 30). In this regard, it should not be sold to persons below the age of 18, according to the minimum age as illustrated by the French law on alcohol.Various companies in France have different packaging techniques. For example, Unilever and Ben & Jerrys have to deep-frozen the ice cream after production and it takes the shape of the equipment used to freeze (Baker 24). The ice cream of this company is differentiated from those of its competitors since the company uses packaging materials that conform to different shapes and

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